
School Counseling

The Academy of Saint Elizabeth offers a competitive academic program designed to challenge each student, nourish her desire to learn, and reward her efforts and achievements.
The Academy of Saint Elizabeth offers the ideal environment for young girls to become empowered, independent young women rooted in faith and gospel. Beyond the scope of academic oversight and college advising, our Counseling Department remains attuned to the social emotional learning (SEL) of our students. Because we focus on the whole student, we implement progressive programming and outreach to ensure that our school climate remains one of acceptance, inclusion, and harmony.

List of 4 items.

  • Freshman

    Communication Skills, Time Management, Organizational Skills, Relationships, Attendance, Social Media
    • Students will participate in group lessons involving social emotional learning curriculum.
    • Students will experience group lessons focused on study skills, time management and midterm preparation.
    • Students will participate in monthly freshman seminars and individual counselor meetings throughout the school year to assist with transition and acclimation to high school.
    • Students will become familiar with CollegeBoard and Naviance.
  • Sophomores

    Goal Setting, Career Development, Learning to Use Naviance, Community Involvement
    • Students will participate in group lessons involving social emotional learning curriculum.
    • Students will participate in small group meetings focused on goal setting, early college planning, and community service.
    • Students will become familiar with Naviance.
    • Students will take a Career Interest Profile test.
    • Students will learn practices for academic success.
  • Juniors

    Stress Management, College Application Process (See College Counseling Page for more information)
    • Students will meet with their counselor in both group and individual settings to set goals, promote our school environment, and learn more about leadership skills.
    • Students will learn coping mechanisms to help manage the academic stress of junior year. These mechanisms will continue to help juniors maintain stress levels as they begin the college process. 
    • Student will continue utilizing Naviance to strengthen self awareness and growth.
  • Seniors

    Time Management, College Readiness
    • Students will practice and become more comfortable with interview skills.
    • Students will finalize their resume.
    • Students will become more independent in order to foster self advocacy and feel better prepared for college and beyond.
    • Students will discuss necessary life skills to be successful after graduating from the Academy.

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Beth-Ellen Walsh

    Beth-Ellen Walsh 

    Director of Counseling and Student Affairs

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Annemarie Gallo

    Annemarie Gallo 

    Assistant Director of Counseling

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Maggie  Vinsel

    Maggie  Vinsel 

    School Counselor

KIND Campaign

Our School Counseling Department also remains attuned to the socio-emotional health of our students. Since we focus on the whole student, we have implemented progressive programming and outreach to ensure that our school climate remains one of acceptance, inclusion, and harmony.

To achieve this, the Academy takes part in the KIND Campaign program, a national initiative which promotes “awareness and healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl bullying.” Students are led by Kind Campaign Leaders to discuss ways to promote unity and respect amongst their peers.

Pre-College, Summer and Enrichment Programs

Academy students are encouraged to bolster their college resume by participating in various Pre-College, Summer and Enrichment Programs offered throughout the country. Programs offer a variety of opportunities for students to experience college life, while still a high school student, and discover fields of interest to study in the future.